Guidelines for Reviewers
- Perform a detailed, productive and fair assessment of the scientific content of the work in a timely manner.
- State whether the article is relevant, concise, and clear, and evaluate originality and scientific accuracy.
- Keep the discretion of the entire review process.
- Notify journal editors of any monetary or individual conflicts of interest, and refuse to review manuscripts when there is a possibility of such conflicts.
- Inform the journal editors of any ethical issues that existed in their evaluation of the submitted articles, such as any defilement of the ethical treatment of animal and/or human subjects or any significant similarities between previously published articles and any reviewed manuscripts.
Guidelines for Authors
- All works stated in the article must be novel and must not be plagiarized in any form.
- The work should not be published elsewhere or submitted to any other journal when submitted to LNH&MC journals.
- Must clearly admit any potential conflicts of interest.
- Appropriate acknowledgment must be given to other work (any individual, company or organization) cited/quoted. Any content used from other sources must be approved.
- Only those who have made any substantial contributions to the interpretation or composition of the submitted work can be listed as "authors". And other contributors should be called "co-authors".
The journal follows the guidelines of COPE and ICMJE criteria for authorship available at: which states authorship to be based on following criteria.
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Data Fabrication and Falsification
Authors of submitted or published articles may be sanctioned and published articles may be withdrawn if found to have forged or falsified results, including image processing.
Citation Manipulation
Authors who submit manuscripts that are found to contain citations whose primary purpose is to increase the number of citations to a given author's work or articles published in a particular journal may be subject to sanctions. Likewise, Editors and reviewers shall not require authors to include references simply to increase citations to their own or colleagues' work, the journal, or another journal related to them.
Multiple Submissions and Redundant Publications
It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to LNH&MC journals have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Redundant publication and inappropriate division of research results into multiple articles may result in rejection or request for combined submission of manuscripts and corrections to published articles.
Conflict of Interest
Authors must clearly acknowledge financial contributions and any potential conflicts of interest that may be considered contradictory. Authors should explain why every interest can represent a conflict. If there is no conflict, the authors should state this, “The authors declare no conflict of interest”. If conflicts of interest are revealed after publication, this may discomfit authors, editors and journals. It might be essential to post corrigendum or reassess the review process.
Data Backup Policy
Backup procedures and policies are developed for two purposes, disaster recovery and file recovery. In the event of a catastrophe, due to a physical disaster, personnel error, or other misfortune, reliable backups must provide timely and accurate restoration of all functions of the organization. LNH&MC, for its journals, ensures regular backup strategy of database, files and image of server for protecting and restoring data from accidental loss.
Journal of Liaquat National Hospital (JLNH) is owned and funded by the Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College (LNH&MC).