Review Article

Time to Antibiotic in Pediatric Oncology: Nursing role in saving lives


  • Total survival of childhood cancer in LMIC is estimated to be 20% whereas survival in HIC has exceeded to more than 80%. Pediatric patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer are at risk for severe infections due to chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, fever in neutropenic oncology patients is an emergency that requires immediate evaluation and intervention. The total Time to Antibiotic (TTA) administration in pediatric oncology patients who present with fever and neutropenia is critical to improving outcomes and decreasing morbidity and mortality. Current guidelines recommend antibiotic administration within 60 minutes of the patient's arrival at the emergency department and delay can result in complications like sepsis and death. There are very strong body of evidence in the literature supporting the Nursing Lead Project in reducing TTA in pediatric oncology patients with febrile neutropenia.

  • Keywords: Time to antibiotic, pediatric, oncology, nurses.

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